

MPS-IgG maxx 1*10 Caps


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IgG-MAXX (Pure and Freeze Dried Bovine Colostrum)

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is the antibody-rich fluid produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first Six hours after birth. It contains a number of antibodies and growth factors, which young animals and humans can absorb intact for the first couple of days following birth. Although the ability to absorb colostrum is lost within a couple of days of birth, colostrum appears to still be capable of exerting a local effect on body surfaces such as the intestinal tract when it is eaten, or the skin and mouth when it is applied topically.

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IgG-MAXX (Pure and Freeze Dried Bovine Colostrum)

What is colostrum?

Colostrum is the antibody-rich fluid produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first Six hours after birth. It contains a number of antibodies and growth factors, which young animals and humans can absorb intact for the first couple of days following birth. Although the ability to absorb colostrum is lost within a couple of days of birth, colostrum appears to still be capable of exerting a local effect on body surfaces such as the intestinal tract when it is eaten, or the skin and mouth when it is applied topically.

(1) All Immune Factors contained in Colostrum.

  • Colostrum contains over 95 Immune Factors to provide protection for pets against bacteria, toxins, virus and disease. They activate numerous processes that are critical to the health function of the immune system.


  • Proline-rich Polypeptide (PRP) is a hormone in colostrum, that helps regulate the thymus gland, stimulating an under active immune system or subduing an overactive immune system in cases where it has begun to attack the tissues of the body. An over active immune system has been linked to many autoimmune diseases. An under-active system is associated with an increased risk for infectious conditions, cancer and bacterially related heart disease.


  • Colostrum contains all 5 Immunoglobulins (known as antibodies) that support the pet’s immune system:


  • IgA: Neutralizes toxins and microbes in the lymphatic and circulatory system
  • IgM: Destroys bacteria
  • IgE and IgD: Highly antiviral
  • IgG: Helps against invading pathogens


  • Lactoferrin, another component in colostrum, has been shown to contain antiviral, anti- bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an iron-binding protein with therapeutic effects in cancer, candida albicans, and other infections. Lactoferrin helps deprive bacteria of the iron they require to reproduce, and releases iron into the red blood cells enhancing oxygenation of tissues.

Studies show that an aging canine or feline exhibit significantly lower levels of growth hormone than a younger one. With all 87 naturally occurring anti-aging growth factors found in colostrum, many of the diseases and conditions of aging can be improved. The biologically active growth factors in bovine colostrum protect the canine against disease and assist the canine in the following processes:


  • Stimulates cellular and tissue growth
  • Repairs and helps reverse the damage done by disease and the natural aging process
  • Increases metabolism
  • Reduces fat and increases muscle mass
  • Involved in regeneration of the heart, lung and liver tissue, plus other organs and tissues throughout the body
  • Stimulates protein synthesis, which is critical for the renewal of skin and bones
  • Affects neurotransmitters in the brain, improving moods and mental acuity


The regenerative effects of colostrum extend to nearly all the body’s structural cells. This makes colostrum invaluable in the quest to prevent premature aging.


One key benefit of colostrum is a rich source of growth hormone, one of the master growth factors that assist the body to efficiently burn fat.


Leptin is a small hormone-like protein found in colostrum; it can suppress the appetite and assist in body weight reduction. Insulin in colostrum helps the body convert glucose (blood sugar) to glycogen-a great energy source.


(2) Essential Factors contained in Colostrum.


  • All essential amino acids, the building blocks of thebody
  • Essential FattyAcids
  • All essential glyconutrients – In 1996, eight glyconutrients (complex sugars) were identified to be involved in the cellular communication processes. The essential glyconutrients facilitate cell to cell communication, support the immune system, and promote proper functions of the nervous and endocrine system. They also are important factors in keeping the cardiovascular system functioning at an optimum level.


3) Leaky Gut Syndrome ~ Systemic Yeast Problems Leaky gut syndrome is a very common (often undiagnosed) condition in which the lining of the small intestine becomes inflamed. This inflammation can be caused by many different things, including the following:

  • Overuse of antibiotics resulting in destruction of the “good” bacteria in the intestines.
  • Foods contaminated by certain bacteria or parasites.
  • Corticosteroids, such as prednisone, and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Consumption of large quantities of highly refined carbohydrates, (sugar and processed flour).

Inflammation causes damage to the tissue, resulting in excess permeability and unusually large spaces between the cells of the mucosal lining, which allows bacteria, viruses, fungi and other potentially toxic materials to enter the bloodstream.

The widened spaces can also allow undigested food particles to “leak” through the intestinal lining. This could pose a serious health risk since these particles may be considered “foreign” by the body and the immune system may try to destroy them.


Many of the pathogens that make us sick enter the body through the food we eat. This means that an individual with leaky gut syndrome is much more vulnerable to infection than someone with a healthy small intestine. Colostrum can be of substantial value in this regard. As discussed earlier, the immune factors in colostrum contain a number of antibodies that bind to invading microorganisms and hold them in check while they are destroyed by white blood cells. The most important of these antibodies are of the IgA type.

Not only do they attach themselves to an invading microorganism but they are also able to stick to tissues, making it easier for white blood cells to destroy the immobilized pathogen. The process of destroying invading microorganisms is aided by other substances present in colostrum. These include lactoferrin and transferrin, which capture the iron required by some bacteria to reproduce. Also, several enzymes in colostrum are capable of eating holes in the walls of various microorganisms.


The growth factors in colostrum are also of substantial benefit in leaky gut syndrome. It is well documented that growth hormone and the IGF super-family of proteins aid in the proliferation of new cells. These and other factors in colostrum can actually help repair the damaged mucosal tissues. Recent studies have documented how the use of bovine colostrum reduces excess permeability caused by the use of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The repair of the mucosal lining may also decrease the severity of some food allergies – especially those that are associated with undigested food particles leaking into the bloodstream.


Each hard gelatin capsule contains :

Colostrum                                            : 500mg


Ingredients :

100% Natural Cows First Milk Powder (Colostrum)


An Ayurvedic Proprietary Medicine (Ref. Bhavprakash)


Suggestions for use :

Puppies, Kitten and Cats : 1-2 Capsule’s Powder daily

Dog : 2-3 Capsule’s  Powder daily

Giant Breed Dog : 3-4 Capsule’s Powder daily

Or, As directed by veterinarian.


1×10 Capsules

Weight 110 kg



32, 34, 36, 38


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